Monday, 13 March 2017

Deep-well geothermal is no lemon

Imagine you have a sore throat and need some hot lemon juice. You place a lemon in the microwave for a few minutes until the juice inside is boiling. Cool the skin by holding it under a tap for a couple of seconds, and place it 100 metres from a sunlamp to keep it warm.

Which of the following options will give you a hot drink?
  1. Lick the moisture from the surface of the lemon, OR
  2. Wait for the sunlamp for heat the surface moisture, OR
  3. Squeeze the hot juice from the centre of the lemon.
The earth is like the lemon and the sun is like the sunlamp. 

The earth's surface resources (coal, oil, natural gas, uranium, water, tidal and wind) are like the surface moisture on the lemon ...... clearly limited and insufficient for satisfying our long-term thirst. 

While solar energy (particularly supported by batteries or pumped storage) appear inviting and worthy of development resources, we ignore the potential of deep-well geothermal (up 10 kilometres deep) to our own detriment.

The interior of the earth is hot ...... very hot ..... and has the potential to supply all of our energy needs well beyond the foreseeable future, yet we ignore it. While the technology for drilling deep wells remains in the hands of the oil industry this hiatus will persist.

But it is confidently predicted that, in time, as each of the other so-called "renewables" proves to be either unreliable or insufficient for the task, humanity will eventually realize that the solution has always been at our feet..... deep-well geothermal energy.

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